Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obsession: Fatshionista

Came across THIS AWESOME FASHION COMMUNITY on Livejournal, called Fatshionista.

I. Am. So. Addicted.

Why it's awesome, in a very oversized nutshell

~"OOTD"s (Outfit Of The Day)s
Big beautiful girls of all 14+ varieties post outfits they've worn in public, and oh man, some are FANTASTIC! And it's great, because some post their height/weight, and kind of give you an idea of how you look from a different perspective (one girl has almost my exact measurements, and she's ADORABLE!!!)
I have not had a chance to post my own OOTD yet (but DAMN do I want to!!!), but looking through them all, you can see just how much people show the LURV! Comments and comments and comments on what you're wearing. Even on those I personally don't like XD Which is awesome!!

Not people saying "OMFG Torrid has THIS on Sale" necessarily (although those are there from time to time), but on Fridays, other women in the group post sales posts - offering to sell and ship clothes they don't want anymore to anyone willing to buy! :D I am so into this idea, and kinda want to try and sell some of my stuff! (i.e. some shoes that don't fit, some shirts I never ever EVER wear, etc.). I love this aspect of the site, because some of the other people's stuff is ADORABLE, and I feel so much better about giving my stuff away if I know someone is going to actually really enjoy it! (I have problems giving stuff to Goodwill, where it could just sit and rot forever XD)

Take a gander at the awesomeness!! They also have a flickr group (which is how I initially found them) And I will let you guys know when I post my own first OOTD and what the experience was like! :D

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